Solar Panel for Electricity generation
Eco friendly way of electricity generation
September 3, 2020
Solar inverter market value
September 3, 2020
Solar Panel for Electricity generation
Eco friendly way of electricity generation
September 3, 2020
Solar inverter market value
September 3, 2020

The trend of renewable energy is becoming more popular nowadays, that uses the natural source of energy and convert into many useful ways, the natural resources including wind and sun.

In this article, we are going to discuss the power (solar) inverters design and it’s working.

Basically, in a brief context, we can say that the design works as converting the photovoltaic panels DC(direct current) into Ac(alternate current) for the home-based energy system. To handle a maximum 300W they installed the micro-inverters on the photovoltaic panel.

Different types of inverters work differently, it is very essential that the PV-generated power has to be with less cost in accordance with per inverter Watt.

Working with different Power Inverters can affect the quality of work. Like if we see

1-Micro Inverters: They are more powerful in collecting energy from every panel and least affected by poor performance of the solar panels.

2- String Inverters:  If a panel is dusty, not properly aligned or have damaged. Its single damage can affect the working of the entire string panel.

3- Solid State inverters:  However solid-state inverters depend on the cost reduction per inverter Watt to enhance the work of PV power.

Few major components of Solar PV system such as:

-PV module

_solar charge controller



-Auxiliary Energy sources

The effectiveness of inverter depends highly on the design of the inverter, that how it converts the DC (direct current) into AC(alternate current). A single flaw in design can completely change the efficiency of the product.